
Jesus-Follower. Mom. United States Air Force Veteran. Lover of the silly. Fluent in sarcasm. Smart Brunette. Volunteer. Too short for my weight. Often disorganized. Primary Love Languages are Quality Time and perhaps Acts of Service, though I didn’t realize that one until recently. Knowing our children are only little for a short time. Great at not embarrassing my teenaged son in public… well, not too often. Sometimes, he just needs a hug (whether or not he realizes it). Doing the best I can in any and all circumstances to embrace life. Knowing there is a bigger plan. Trying to live an understanding that His Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I might only have enough light to take the next step, but I will take it. Learning to pray deeper, dig deeper into the Word, share my light. I was created with a God-given personality, interests, and joie de vive. It would be a shame to waste who I was created to be! Striving to share what I have learned that other’s journeys might be a bit easier.

(for a much more detailed “about,” see my first blog post:  https://lovingthemomlife.wordpress.com/2014/05/20/welcome-to-my-new-blog/)…

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